
paypal api reference

베리베리 2008. 8. 16. 00:21

API Reference

The PayPal API makes powerful functionality available to developers by exposing various features of the PayPal platform. To use the PayPal API, you must have a Premier or Business account, and you must acquire a set of API Credentials to authenticate your API calls. PayPal offers APIs for sending money, receiving money, refunding transactions, searching transaction histories, and more.

API Operations

PayPal offers the following API operations.

Group APIs Description
Transaction Search and Transaction Details TransactionSearch
Retrieve information about previous transactions in your account history.
Issuing Refunds RefundTransaction Issue a refund for a PayPal transaction.
Mass Payment MassPay Pay one or more recipients.
Direct Payment DoDirectPayment Process a credit card payment.
Authorize & Capture DoAuthorization
Authorize funds for an order authorization
Express Checkout SetExpressCheckout
Allows your customers to use shipping and billing information stored securely at PayPal to check out so they don't have to re-enter it on your site.
Recurring Payments CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile
Enables you to bill a customer for a fixed amount of money on a fixed schedule.
Reference Transactions DoReferenceTransaction Create reference transactions for direct credit card transactions.
Fraud Management Filters ManagePendingTransactionStatus
Note: Use this API operation to accept or deny a payment whose status is pending.
You can determine the PayPal Fraud Management Filter status for BillUser, DoDirectPayment, DoExpressCheckoutPayment, and DoReferenceTransaction.
IMPORTANT: Your code must handle the SuccessWithWarning acknowledgement status in the response of these API operations.

Using the PayPal API

Once you have acquired your API Credentials, you are ready to make PayPal API calls. There are two interfaces to the PayPal API. You should use the one that makes the most sense for your development style and environment:

  1. Name-Value Pair (NVP) interface - Requests and responses are sent using simple HTTP. This interface is better for those who prefer more lightweight, script-based development.
  2. SOAP interface - Requests and responses are sent using SOAP. This interface is better for those who prefer object-oriented development.

Error Codes

View all PayPal API error codes, what they mean, and what to do when you encounter them.

View Error Codes

API Endpoints

The API Endpoints for your API calls depend on which authentication mechanism you use and which calling mechanism you use. The table below summarizes all of the endpoints.

Environment Authentication Calling Endpoint
Live API Certificate Name-Value Pair https://api.paypal.com/nvp
Live API Signature Name-Value Pair https://api-3t.paypal.com/nvp
Live API Certificate SOAP https://api.paypal.com/2.0/
Live API Signature SOAP https://api-3t.paypal.com/2.0/
Sandbox API Certificate Name-Value Pair https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp
Sandbox API Signature Name-Value Pair https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp
Sandbox API Certificate SOAP https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/2.0/
Sandbox API Signature SOAP https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/2.0/

API Version History

The PayPal WSDL identifies the following changes from Version 2.4 of the APIs:

Version Changes
Version 2.4 Added the following mobile checkout APIs:
  • SetMobileCheckout
Added the following messages for mobile checkout APIs:
  • SetMobileCheckoutRequest
Version 3.0 Changed the data type of the RefundType element in the RefundTransactionRequest message.

Changed the signature of the BAUpdate API.

Added the DoReferenceTransaction API.

Added the following billing agreement APIs:
  • SetCustomerBillingAgreement
Added the following messages for billing agreement APIs:
  • SetCustomerBillingAgreementRequest
Added the following UATP airline APIs:
  • DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment
Added the following messages for UATP airline APIs:
  • DoUATPExpressCheckoutPaymentRequest
Version 3.1 Changed the data type of the CreditCard element in the DoReferenceTransactionRequest message.

Added the following mobile checkout API:
  • GetBalance
Added the following messages for mobile checkout APIs:
  • GetBalanceRequest
Added the following recurring payments API:
  • CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile
Added the following messages for recurring payments APIs:
  • CreateRecurringPaymentsProfileRequest
Added the COMPUTERHARDWAREANDSOFTWARE-Data-Processing-Svc enumeration to the BusinessSubCategoryType data type.

Version 3.2 Added the ReqBillingAddress element to the GetExpressCheckoutDetailsReqest message.

Added the BillingAddress element to the GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponse message.

Added the ReqBillingAddress element to the GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetailsReqest message.

Added the BillingAddress element to the GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetailsResponse message.

Added the ShippingMethod element to the PaymentInfoType data type.

Changed the data types of the Amount, ShippingAmount, and TaxAmount elements in the BillingPeriodDetailsType data type.

Removed the MessageID element from the AbstractRequestType data type.

Version 3.2 (release 48) Added the SoftDescriptor element to the DoReferenceTransactionRequest message.