
[TAR] 특정폴더를 제외하고 tar 압축하기

베리베리 2009. 6. 12. 11:37

Exclude Directories from Tar

From HowToGeek

When you are creating a tar archive, you often want to exclude directories from the file. This can be done fairly simply with the exclude parameter.

Tip: you can use the --exclude command more than once to exclude another directory as well

tar -cf Filename.tar --exclude "/full/path/to/exclude/" /path/to/tar

리눅스 루트에서 전체 백업할때 다음과 같이 하면되요
usb 폴더는 usb memory 연결한겁니다.

tar cf /usb/cent51.tar -v --no-wildcards --exclude "usb" --exclude "proc" *